Blog:Visions of Modernism Part 3: Prophesies & warnings
** draft under construction **
Science, Existentialism, and the false god of Ubermench[edit | edit source]
External v. internal charity[edit | edit source]
Saint Pope John Paul II was rightly focused on ending the Soviet Union, and by his own words Mary of Fatima << what'd he say?
While John Paul II presided over the post-Soviet transition, Benedict XVI arrived to an arguably more spiritually precarious world, which two of his predecessors from before Fatima saw coming and warned against loudly. Certainly, their warnings were drowned out by the "Great War" during which Mary arrived to announce two others, far worse than the first, the Second World War, of course -- and Communism.
> Francis?
Let's put to bed any dismissal of communism's relative damage to humanity versus the two global wars is meaningless, as these are essentially the same event, and of the same cause: modernism.
Saint Anthony Mary Claret[edit | edit source]
From the Autobiography of Saint Anthony Mary Claret,
On September 23 [1859], at 7:30 in the morning, the Lord told me, "You shall fly throughout the world or walk with great speed and preach of the great punishments that are approaching." The Lord gave me a deep understanding of those words of the Apocalypse (8:13): "As my vision continued, I heard an eagle flying in mid-heaven cry out in a loud voice, 'Woe, woe, and again woe to the inhabitants of the earth,' because of the three great chastisements that are to come." These chastisements are:
1. Protestantism, communism....
2. The four archdemons that will make fearful inroads: the love of pleasure, the love of money, independence of the mind, independence of the will.
3. The great wars and their consequences.[1]
Modernism[edit | edit source]
Mankind didn't need modernism to learn how to slay or starve one another. War, conquest, forced starvation, slavery, and genocide have been the instruments of death following Cain's example. While plague and non-anthropormophic (man-made) starvation may not arise from hate, Satan reaps gleefully during any such time of distress.
As ever, God already explained it all. From Genesis 11:3-5:
They said to one another, “Come, let us mold bricks and harden them with fire.” They used bricks for stone, and bitumen for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and so make a name for ourselves;
At least the "sons of man" recognized their limits:
otherwise we shall be scattered all over the earth.”
> Archie letter