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List of the Books of the Bible with abbreviations

From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith

This page contains a list of the Books of the Bible, chronologically as presented in the Bible, and alphabetically along with their abbreviation for Scriptural references (such as 17:1),

Books of the Bible in the order of the Bible[edit | edit source]

OLD TESTAMENT[edit | edit source]

The Pentateuch
Genesis Gn Numbers Nm
Exodus Ex Deuteronomy Dt
Leviticus Lv
Historical Introduction
Joshua Jos 2 Kings 2 Kgs
Judges Jgs 1 Chronicles 1 Chr
Ruth Ru 2 Chronicles 2 Chr
1 Samuel 1 Sm Ezra Ezr
2 Samuel 2 Sm Nehemiah Neh
1 Kings 1 Kgs
Biblical Novellas
Tobit Tb 1 Maccabees 1 Mc
Judith Jdt 2 Maccabees 2 Mc
Esther Est
Wisdom Books
Job Jb Song of Songs Sg
Psalm(s) Ps(s) Wisdom Wis
Proverbs Prv Sirach Sir
Ecclesiastes Eccl
Prophetic Books
Isaiah Is Obadiah Ob
Jeremiah Jer Jonah Jon
Lamentations Lam Micah Mi
Baruch Bar Nahum Na
Ezekiel Ez Habakkuk Hb
Daniel Dn Zephaniah Zep
Hosea Hos Haggai Hg
Joel Jl Zechariah Zec
Amos Am Malachi Mal

NEW TESTAMENT[edit | edit source]

The Gospels
Matthew Mt Luke Lk
Mark Mk John Jn
Acts of the Apostles
Acts of the Apostles Acts
New Testament Letters
Romans Rom 1 Thessalonians 1 Thes
1 Corinthians 1 Cor 2 Thessalonians 2 Thes
2 Corinthians 2 Cor 1 Timothy 1 Tm
Galatians Gal 2 Timothy 2 Tm
Ephesians Eph Titus Ti
Philippians Phil Philemon Phlm
Colossians Col Hebrews Heb
Catholic Letters
James Jas 2 John 2 Jn
1 Peter 1 Pt 3 John 3 Jn
2 Peter 2 Pt Jude Jude
1 John 1 Jn Revelation Rv

Alphabetical list of Books of the Bible with abbreviations[edit | edit source]

  • the abbreviations are for scriptural references to books, chapters and verses of the Bible
  • for example, in Matthew Chapter 6, verse 9 the USSCB online Bible shows a reference to a related passage in Luke Chapter 11, verses 2-4, marked as "Lk 11:2-4"

OLD TESTAMENT[edit | edit source]

Amos Am 1 Kings 1 Kgs
Baruch Bar 2 Kings 2 Kgs
1 Chronicles 1 Chr Lamentations Lam
2 Chronicles 2 Chr Leviticus Lv
Daniel Dn 1 Maccabees 1 Mc
Deuteronomy Dt 2 Maccabees 2 Mc
Ecclesiastes Eccl Malachi Mal
Esther Est Micah Mi
Exodus Ex Nahum Na
Ezra Ezr Nehemiah Neh
Ezekiel Ez Numbers Nm
Genesis Gn Obadiah Ob
Habakkuk Hb Proverbs Prv
Haggai Hg Psalm(s) Ps(s)
Hosea Hos Ruth Ru
Isaiah Is 1 Samuel 1 Sm
Jeremiah Jer 2 Samuel 2 Sm
Job Jb Sirach Sir
Joel Jl Song of Songs Sg
Jonah Jon Tobit Tb
Joshua Jos Wisdom Wis
Judges Jgs Zechariah Zec
Judith Jdt Zephaniah Zep

NEW TESTAMENT[edit | edit source]

Acts of the Apostles Acts Mark Mk
Colossians Col Matthew Mt
1 Corinthians 1 Cor 1 Peter 1 Pt
2 Corinthians 2 Cor 2 Peter 2 Pt
Ephesians Eph Philemon Phlm
Galatians Gal Philippians Phil
Hebrews Heb Revelation Rv
James Jas Romans Rom
John (Gospel) Jn 1 Thessalonians 1 Thes
1 John 1 Jn 2 Thessalonians 2 Thes
2 John 2 Jn 1 Timothy 1 Tm
3 John 3 Jn 2 Timothy 2 Tm
Jude Jude Titus Ti
Luke Lk