Blog:Road to Emmaus -- God's Plan of Salvation revealed
- draft **
An encounter of
Road to Emmaus typology:
- walking away from Jerusalem
- walking away not towards Jesus and the Church
- blindness / light v. dark
- could not see Jesus
- hardness of heart / stiff neck
- belief based on literal knowledge of the scriptures without fuller understanding (see Gifts of the Holy Spirit)
- thought Jesus was a just a man (prophet...)
he says here and to the Apostles what they didn't understand was that the Messiah must suffer!
- Adam and Eve v. Emmaus
- both married couples
- A/E ate of the tree of Knowledge
- opened them to sin
- hid themselves in the trees of the garden
- Emmaus:
- ate of the fruit of the Cross = Tree of Life, which was always open to Adam and Eve in the Garden, but closed after their exile
- breaking the bread
- Jesus leaves as soon as they eat the bread
- = they have communed with him, as in mass
- they returned to Jerusalem immediately (in the Church)
- Jesus leaves as soon as they eat the bread
Road to Emmaus as the Mass[edit | edit source]
- Entrance Rite
- Liturgy of the Word
- Liturgy of the Eucharist