Talk:Site development

From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith

Blog pages max width and font size

resolved via Common.css < see notes there issue was mobile was not liking the center and margin 0 auto and pushed text to the left FIX: make the css rule only for screns ove 850 << see common.css

Common header for Blog namespace

ChatGTP suggests:

To include a template at the top of every page in a specific namespace in MediaWiki, you can use the `MediaWiki:Common.js` or `MediaWiki:Common.css` to add JavaScript or CSS that injects the template. Alternatively, you can use the `MediaWiki:CommonHeader` page if it’s supported in your MediaWiki installation.

Here’s a method using JavaScript:

1. **Edit `MediaWiki:Common.js`**:
   - Go to the page `MediaWiki:Common.js` on your wiki.
   - Add the following script:

// Add template to the top of every page in a specific namespace
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Replace '3000' with your namespace number
    if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') === 3000) {
        // Replace 'Template:YourTemplateName' with the template you want to include
        var template = '{{YourTemplateName}}';
        // Create a new div to hold the template
        var templateDiv = $('<div></div>').html(template);
        // Prepend the template to the content

2. **Edit `MediaWiki:Common.css`** (Optional):
   - Go to the page `MediaWiki:Common.css` on your wiki.
   - Add any additional CSS to style the injected template if necessary.

Here’s a method using the `MediaWiki:CommonHeader` page (if supported):

1. **Create `MediaWiki:CommonHeader` for the specific namespace**:
   - Go to the page `MediaWiki:CommonHeader/Namespace_3000`.
   - Add the template you want to include at the top of every page:


This method might require your MediaWiki to have the necessary extensions or configurations to support namespace-specific headers.

### Explanation:
- **JavaScript Method**: This script checks if the current namespace matches the specified number (`3000` in this case). If it does, it injects the specified template at the top of the content area.
- **CommonHeader Method**: This approach uses MediaWiki’s built-in capabilities (if available) to add a common header to all pages in a namespace by creating a `MediaWiki:CommonHeader/Namespace_X` page.

Choose the method that best fits your MediaWiki configuration and your level of access to the site's backend.