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Notes here are from a lecture of March 23, 2024 by Father Barnes of Cathedral of St. Thomas More

Father Barnes spoke about the existing relics of the Lord from the Stations of the Cross

Relics of Saints

  • First Class
    • part of the Saint's body
    • there is nothing of the Lord
      • but things w/ his blood stains
      • might be called "relics of the passion"
  • Second Class
    • associated with the life of a Saint, or
  • Third Class
  • 4-5 pieces of bone here at STM

physical reminders of holiness > touching the cloak of Jesus healed people Acts: being in the shadow of Peter healed somebody

serve as memories, like a family heirloom

largest collections of relics are in Jerusalem and Rome,

Scourging of the Lord

Pillar of scourging

per Jn: was in the praetorium

the pillar was kept, now in Rome

  • 2-1/2-3 ft tall (65 cm)
  • marble
    • possibly from Egypt, which would have symbolism
    • not certain but if true, slavery to sin
  • the pillar was to keep prisoners upright, tied to the top
    • to inflict maximum punishment
  • possible that Caiphus scourged him a second time
    • ambiguous, "beaten"
    • but there was another pillar thought to exist from Caiaphus
    • at Church of Holy Spec... ?

Shroud of Turin

  • the cloth
  • shows wounds inflicted by two soldiers


  • Pilate knew he was not a criminal, that he was innocent
  • but wanted to appease the crowd, so ordered the scourging
    • so was a political act
    • wanted to maintain his authority
    • so split the difference
    • but it only increased the crowd's bloodlust
  • the beating itself was cruel
    • could kill people
  • evidence shows his flesh was torn head to toe
    • the rods were covered with ___ to would catch his skin and flesh
  • this is the most gruesome and disfiguring part of the Passion
    • loss of blood greatest at scourging
    • crucifixion was designed to kill people slowly
    • death was by ultimate asphyxiation not blood loss
  • Pope Benedict
    • the point of the scourging was to make the flesh hang down
  • Stations of the Cross
    • his weakened state, unable to carry the cross
  • the Lord did not resist any of these punishments
    • Isa 52 ... "so marred was his look beyond human semblance"
    • by those stripes we were healed
    • lamb led to the slaughter
    • he was silent << didn't resist
    • << the prophesy came true
  • violence against the innocent not uncommon
  • JPII said "Oh my jesus, how cruelly bound you were to the pillar..
    • penalty for our sins

Crown of Thorns

  • held at Notre Dame, Paris
    • for about 800 years
  • not a woven crown more like a cap that covered the head
  • had thorns, twigs,
    • had about 60 thorns
  • taken away by a witness
  • St. Paulinus described it as a
  • materials in it are from
  • used for mocking, humiliation
    • called him "king of the jews" so they were aware of what they were saying
    • there was a wicked enjoyment in it by the soldiers
    • possible that they tried to outdo one another
  • likely not placed on his head lightly
    • stayed on him carrying the cross and on the cross
    • the face bleeds alot
  • they put on/off a robe , which probably was painful on his wounds
    • purple: to mock him
    • after Resurrection, Jesus told Peter, "when you were younger, you used to dress yourself..."
      • Jesus was dressed by the soldiers... he endured
      • Peter crucified upside down
      • his bones are under the Basilica in Rome
      • when rediscovered thye had purple cloth around them

he didn't stop it bc he was powerless, but bc he accepted it

  • presentation by Pilate of the crowd
    • JPII spoke about it
      • the price paid for dignity is the blood of the son of God
    • Benedict:
      • Jesus' inner most dignity cannot be taken from him.. the hidden God remains in
      • in the throes of his Passion Jesus = hope
      • God is on the side of those who suffer
        • = the suffering is not the final word
  • put his garments back on

Veil of Veronica

  • Sixth Station of the Cross
  • along the way, while he was carrying the cross
  • she wipes his face, and it is left on the veil
  • = the face of the suffering
  • Montepello, Italy now
  • was in Rome and was the most popular medieval pilgrimage site
  • studies show that the shroud and the veil have images of the same person
  • the fabric is ancient, was an expensive cloth
    • honors the Lord with her best cloth
    • (Fr. B: says priestly vestments are made of fine cloth to honor God)
    • very thin, as thin as a spiderweb
  • it is mentioned in the OT and Revelation
    • OT:
    • Bride of Christ
  • was probably stolen during 2nd construction of St. Peter's Basilica, ended up in Montepello
  • a '93 image shows
    • unusually thin
    • transparent, can read a newspaper behind it
    • image becomes invisible under UV / black light
      • therefore it is not a painting, not ink or printing
      • so the image is the result of an internal change in the fiber
      • reflects light
      • the image cannot be captured by a photograph
    • so it is miraculous
    • can't be appreciated unless seen in person
  • the moment:
    • Lord was carrying the cross
    • people all around, soldiers
    • and she wipes his face... an act of courage
      • wanted to console the Lord
      • she put away her fears and reached out to him in love
      • reminder to us that every time we see someone suffering, we see the face of the Lord
      • Mt 25: when you saw suffering you saw the Lord
      • she acted out of compassion and love for the Lord
        • = example
  • no one has seen the face of God
    • but we have seen the face of Jesus, our Lord
  • note: Only John showed up at the Cross, and was the only one not martyred

Other Relics of the Passion

Holy Stairs

  • from pilate's palace
  • Jesus walked up these stairs w/ Pilate after the scourging
  • there are blood stains on the stairs (made of marble)
  • Constantine's mother, St. Helena, wanted to bring items from Jerusalem to Rome
  • in a church across from St. John Laterin
  • we can climb the same steps, although not directly on them
    • can see the blood stains
    • can only climb on your knees
    • we are not worthy to walk up them
    • say a prayer at each step
    • Fr. B: did it a few times
      • says it's a reminder about getting through suffering

Santa Croce in Jerusalem Church in Rome

  • has dirt from Golgatha
  • from the ground
  • has a piece of the True Cross
    • also has a piece of the cross of the good thief
    • his name by tradition is Saint >>
  • the inscription of "King of the Jews"
  • "titulus" was preserved
  • a few thorns from the Crown of Thorns
  • have the nails he was crucified with
    • quite large and thick

St. Peter's: the Holy Lance

  • Christ died relatively quickly on the Cross
    • 3 hrs, shorter than normal
    • was so weakened
  • the lance that was used to pierce his side
  • St. Longinus was the Centurion
    • the spear tip survives
    • was stolen and ransomed by a Sultan
    • so the Christians kidnapped his brother, but if you keep him I'll give you back the spear tip

Tomb of Chirst

  • Holy Sepucler church
  • marks the mystery of Easter, by which the Lord transformed death into life
  • the wounds which he showed after Resurrection, St. Thomas Aquinas called them his "Holy Trophies"