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Big Ideas for Catechism

From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith

Big Ideas for Catechism / Catechesis

see Catechism definition

In preparation for catechesis, or the learning of the Catholic faith and preparation for life in Christ, students (catechumens) may prepare for deeper understanding of the faith and its lessons by developing first a set for fundamental, or foundational ideas.

Note: these are not from the Catholic Church, but developed by a Catechist

The "Big Ideas" represent necessary concepts for students to know in order to access higher order concepts for their catechism.

  • none of these ideas are sufficient alone to understand the Catholic Faith and develop Life in Christ
  • but all of these ideas are necessary for that understanding

BIG IDEAS: Ten Fundamental Concepts

For understanding and practicing the Christian Faith, Catechumens (students of the Catechism) can use these fundamental, or underlying, ideas to apply to their general learning about the Catholic Faith and Life in Christ.

Overview list

1. Jesus Christ

  • Jesus = "God saves"
  • Christ = "Messiah" = "the Anointed One" = "mission" (to save us)
  • Jesus is fully God and fully man ("the God-man" = "the hypostatic union")
  • Christ is "the Word" and the "Living Word of God"
    • “In the beginning was the Word” (Jn 1:1)
    • "And the Word became flesh" (Jn 1:14)

2. The Trinity

  • one God, three persons:
    • the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
    • also: the Creator, the Savior and the Sanctifier
  • the “Godhead” =one being, one nature, one eternal existence
  • Creation & God’s love

3. Sin

  • an offence against God (CCC 1850)
  • disobedience to God (CCC 1871)
  • separation from God
    • hell = eternal separation from God
  • origin of sin in "Free Will"
    • robots can't sin because they have no free will
    • Free Will requires choice & God gave us Reason to exercise it
    • God wants us to choose him over sin
  • "concupiscence" = our tendency towards sin
  • the “three-fold sins” lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life
  • mortal v. venial sin
  • Jesus on how to avoid sin

4. Thoughtful worship & prayer

  • "Four Senses of Scripture": Literal, Allegorical, Moral, Anagogical
  • seeking God and truth through the "Two Wings" of Faith and Reason
  • prayer and praying thoughtfully, purposefully and actively; humility in prayer
  • lectio divina: meditation on Scripture

5. Life in Christ

  • Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Four Pillars of Catholic faith: Creed, Sacraments, Commandments, Prayer
  • Ten Commandments & Christ's clarifications & New Commandments
  • Sermon on the Mount and The Beatitudes
  • "Repent, and believe"
  • ·Justification and the state of Grace

6. Christ as fulfillment of the Old Testament

  • Jesus fulfills the "Old Covenant" and gives us the "New Covenant" (or "Testament")
  • History of Salvation
  • Typology: The New is hidden in the Old, and the Old is revealed by the New

7. The Mysteries

  • works of the Holy Spirit: "the seen and the unseen"
  • with a mystery, it is not so much what it is, but that it is
  • using our "Wings of Faith" and recognizing the limits of Reason
  • Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

8. Sacraments

  • an "outward sign" instituted by Christ to give Grace
  • the seen and unseen: "the visible sign of the hidden reality of salvation" (CCC 774)
  • we see the Sacramental Act, but our faith reveals the workings of the Holy Spirit
  • types and purposes of the Seven Sacraments

9. The Catholic Mass

  • "Real presence of Christ"
  • knowing the Mass & thoughtful worship
  • the "Five Precepts of the Church": attendance, confession, Holy Communion, Holy days of obligation, days of fasting and abstinence
  • the Eucharist and Eucharistic Adoration
  • weekly attendance at Mass
  • proper attire for Mass

10. The Bible

  • reading the the Bible is prayer (Word of God)
  • familiarity with the Bible, its parts and organization
  • applying Biblical knowledge to the "Liturgy of the Word" at Mass
  • using the Bible in daily life

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

  • Student familiarity and comfort with the Catechism
    • purpose
    • structure
    • format
    • abbreviations
  • vocabulary

Next Priorities for Catechesis

in alphabetical order, not order of importance

Church as Bride of Christ

Fear of Gog

Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

History of the Church

Magisterium of the Church

The Rosary

The Saints

Key practices for Catechumens

Attending Mass

Going to Confession

Learning prayers

Seeking mentoring