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Saint Joan of Arc (Jeanne la Pucelle)

From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith
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Saint Joan of Arc called herself, Jeanne la Pucelle, meaning "Jean the Maid." Also known as "Joan of Orleans," for her miraculous intervention in the One Hundred Years War, the turning point of which was the "Siege of Orleans," conducted under Joan's brilliant military command.

Panthéon - La vie de Jeanne d'Arc (hlw16 0310)- crop folk
Portion of the frieze, "The Life of Joan of Arc," at the Panthéon, Paris.

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Joan of Arc, or Joan d'Arc, as she is known in English, was born Jeanne >>

Why Joan only now?

Jeanne d'Arc was cannonized in 192>

Why so long?

Once her work was done, she was easily forgotten, beginning with the Siege of Orleans and the coronation of Charles VII, upon which the French court did its best to ignore her. Given the opportunity to ransom her upon her capture, the King refused and, well, washed his hands of her

French Revolution

> anticlerical


Franco-Prussian War

Why? Why Joan? Why her suffering?

It confounds the honest reader the betrayals, denials, and injustices that Joan suffered. It's tempting to recognize the interests and intrigues she provoked as normal reactions to the challenges to authority she presented.

Christology of Saint Joan

  • born in poverty, among shepherds
  • distrust of the leaders
  • triumphant entry to Orleans
  • betrayal
  • Charles VII washing his hands of her
  • championed by her mother

Joan's mission: to save France -- or Catholicism?

I have a theory. I developed it before I knew anything about Saint Joan other than she led the French to defeat the English and was burnt at the stake for it all. As I have learned more about her, the theory makes more and more sense.

Map of King Henry the second's continental holdings in 1154 covering parts of today's France
Henry II's continental holdings in 1154 (in various shades of red), forming part of the "Angevin Empire"

It's all rather complicated, but following the Norman Invasion of England in 1066, the Normans controlled the north of France and England. After series of power grabs, political marriages, dynastic divisions, and armed contests, by the 12th century, Henry II, who spoke French,[1] had taken over a large part of western France, creating the Angevin Empire, which lasted until the Battle of Bouvines in 1214, in which the French defeated an English and European coalition that opposed Philip II's conquests of France. As a result, English King John was severely weakened and was forced into signing the Magna Charta and Philip II consolidated France, effectively creating modern France.[2]

In 1328, a succession crisis arose at the death of Charles IV of France, whose closest heir was his nephew Edward III of England. Eddie, of course, claimed the throne. Rejected by the French nobles, Edward cut a deal with the Flemish who endorsed Edward as King of France. In the 1340s he put together an invasion force and in 1346 took the northern city of Caen and then thoroughly humiliated the French at Crécy, largely because the French fought the same war as at Bouvines, with heavy armor, but the English employed the longbow, which could be fired in rapid succession (unlike the French crossbows) and could also pierce armor from distance.

It gets complicated, what with English victories in the southwest of France (remnants of the Angevin Empire) and a series of crises in France, which led to the coronation of Charles VI, "Charles the Mad," known now as the crazy king who thought he was made of glass and so risked shattering.[3] In 1420, Charles disinherited his own son, who would become the "Dauphin" (claimant to the throne of France) that Saint Joan herself, basically, crowned. Charles VII appoints the English King Henry V, who took advantage of the chaos in France and crippled the French army at Agincourt in 1415. After this, the English and their French allies ally, the Count of Burguny

Most people would look upon the Hundred Years War as, and the language of the day, a war between the English and the French. Indeed, the French called their enemy the English, and the English called their enemy the French. They were all French. The war was actually between two French factions, and was thus a civil war, which makes it especially brutal.

In my theory, had the "English," whose rulers spoke French at home, won and reclaimed France on top of England, then both England and France, a hundred years later, would have under Henry VIII left the Catholic church. Sure, lots of conditions may have prevented that, but we can draw a straight line from the Church of England to the Church of England/France. This would not have pleased God.

Whatever the value of my theory that God meant to keep France Catholic, I am intrigued by this excerpt from Mark Twain's account of the trial of St. Joan:

And now, by order of Cauchon, an ecclesiastic named Nicholas Midi preached a sermon, wherein he explained that when a branch of the vine — which is the Church — becomes diseased and corrupt, it must be cut away or it will corrupt and destroy the whole vine.

Whereas the English partisan, Father Midi, saw the destruction of Joan the pruning of a dead branch of the Church (the vine, as Twain correctly explains), by cutting her off, he and Bishop Cauchon were instead pruning themselves from the vine of France. The dead vine cut off was England.

There is an additional

> Henry VIII

> to save France -- from what, the English who were French?

The prophecies of Joan of Arc

Prophecies of the coming of Saint Joan

  • Merlin
  • St. Bede
  • Marie d'Avignon

Joan's own testimony

Joan told her Uncle , Durand Laxart, and a woman with whom she stayed on her second visit with him to Vaucouleurs,

“Was it not said that France would be ruined through a woman and afterwards restored by a virgin?”.

>> see Prophecies | Joan of Arc | Jeanne-darc.info

Liberating Orleans

Freeing the Duke of Orleans

The Crowning of Charles VII

The end of the Hundred Years War

Historical sources

The history of Joan of Arc is comparatively well-documented, even for the 1400s, a period that yields plenty of artifacts and primary sources. The facts of her life a clear and incontestable. In her day, she was the subject of various documented inquiries, an extended court trial, and subsequent inquiries that document witnesses and assessed evidence. We even know much about her mystical experiences -- or whatever they were, as she told the record about them.

The Trials of Jeanne d'Arc

> see Trials - Overview | Joan of Arc | Jeanne-darc.info

Recollections of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain

Few people know that Twain wrote about Joan of Arc. There is a story that as a child he encountered a stray page with the story of her trial, and the young Samuel Clemens took great offense at her interrogators. Whether true or not, he became fascinated by her story and yearned to tell it:

I like Joan of Arc best of all my books; and it is the best; I know it perfectly well. And besides, it furnished me seven times the pleasure afforded me by any of the others; twelve years of preparation, and two years of writing. The others needed no preparation and got none.[4]

Modern academics who study Twain consider it unworthy of his canon.[5] They can't deny that he thought it was his greatest work, and also that it contains classic Twain wit, but they just can't stand that he was "infatuated" with the Maiden of Orleans.

Some critics complain that in writing the book, Twain succumbed to Catholicism. I have no words to express how stupid that is. It's got to be their animosity for Christianity in general, and for Catholicism in particular, when expressed as profoundly by Saint Joan. Worse, one actually claims that Twain was infatuated by cross-dressing (such as one hilarious scene in Huck Finn and two examples from minor short stories[6]) and his interpretation of the trial of Joan was entirely focused on her male dress. It's even stupider than the accusation of Twain as overly Catholic.

As for Twain's Catholicism, let's just say he falls short. Across this narrative of the life of a devout Catholic, he says next to nothing of the Mother of God, whereas the historical record affirms Joan's devotion to Our Lady.[7] Twain mentions but fails to illuminate the crucial role of Joan's despair over denial of the Sacraments in her coerced "abjuration" (a kind of renunciation, but short of full admission) seven days before her execution. Her longing for the Eucharist must have pained her as much as any other injustice she suffered, and one can be sure that Luke 2:34, "(and you yourself a sword will pierce)" was her regular companion. There are other examples, but none detract from Twain\'s marvelous work. I mention it to show how idiotic it is to criticize Twain for succumbing to either Catholicism or Medieval mysticism, or that he was infatuated with transvestitism - a shameful accusation[8]!

Twain indeed fell in love with the story of Joan of Arch, and he dedicated himself to telling it. And not wonder he worked so hard on it: it's not an easy story to tell, and the lines he draws between his fictionalized characters and the true history are narrow, while never leading the reader astray from actual events. It's a grand project.

A final note: Twain wrote the book before Joan was canonized, thus "Saint Joan" does not appear in the work. Twain does describe her as a saint:

She was not solely a saint, an angel, she was a clay-made girl also — as human a girl as any in the world, and full of a human girl's sensitivenesses and tendernesses and delicacies.[9]

Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw

Not much to say about this one. Shaw was early in adulthood an atheist and seems to have wanted into Deism and perhaps belief if not in Christ but in Jesus. The play is considered one of Shaw's greatest works, and it has been repeated on stage through the 2000s and in film. Shaw wrote it after Joan's canonization, thus the title. But he wasn't celebrating it. He tries to humanize Saint Joan, whom he said was romanticized while her accusers were villainized. For Shaw, Joan's tormenters were motivated by the facts and situations before them; you know, it's just a matter of perspective. I can only say that to frame Bishop Cauchon as honestly motivated is akin to Andrew Lloyd Weber's sympathetic portrayal of Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar. Both did wrong, knew it, and did it anyway. And, worse, Shaw portrays Joan as Weber does Jesus, as an anti-establishment pop star. For Shaw, Joan is a rebel against authority, like his female ubermensch in Man and Superman. Meh.

Jeanne D'Arc (1895) by Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel

In 1896, Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel illustrated a children's book of the life of Joan of Arc.[10] Through the early 1900s, he expanded several of the images into full paintings, a collection of which are held by the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, called "La Vie de Jeanne d'Arc":

Boutet de Monvel first prepared his work on Joan for a children's book, a genre in which he is recognized as significant.[11] The book was a sensation, and he was commissioned to paint similar images as large murals at the newly built Basilica of Donrémy, Joan's birthplace. Only one panel was completed, but William Clark, of a great Montana copper mining fortune, commissioned smaller versions, of which Boutet de Monvel completed six. Clark arranged for his entire art collection, including the Joan of Arc panels to be donated to the Corcoran Gallery in Washington, DC (constituting the entire "Clark Wing" of the building), upon Clark's death. Clark, of Scotch-Irish and French Huguenot descent, was a Presbyterian. His Montana business and political rival was a Catholic, Marcus Daly, and whose investor, Henry Rogers loathed Clark, spurring a 1907 rant against Clark by, ironically in light of his Joan of Arc fascination, Mark Twain. Clark's second wife, neé. Anna Eugenia La Chapelle, was possibly the source of his own interest in Saint Joan. Anna was a French Canadian Roman Catholic, and she had married in Paris. He was an avid art collector

  1. Henry IV, crowned in 1399, was the first English king of the Norman period to speak English natively. Passed under the French-speaking Henry III, the 1362 Statute of Pleading made English the official language. Since the English by then had lost most of their holdings in France, Henry III needed to embrace an English national identity.
  2. His predecessors were Kings of the Franks; Philip II was the first to declare himself King of France.
  3. He is supposed to have had iron rods sewn into his gown to keep himself sturdy and not break. His psychoses manifested in various other ways, including to forget who he was or those around him and to run around the palace hysterically. Up until the late Biden presidency, I might have used the situation as an example of the insanity of monarchy, as why'd they keep the crazy man in power? Well, as with the incompetent Joe Biden, those in power around him depended on the King's title for their own power. We will see how this dynamic impacts Saint Joan.
  4. Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc - Wikipedia No source is given for the quotation, but it is undoubtedly Twain's words.
  5. See Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc - Wikipedia
  6. The Riddle Of Mark Twain’s Passion For Joan Of Arc | by The Awl | The Awl | Medium
  7. See The Virgin Mary and the “Voices” of Joan of Arc | SpringerLink
  8. The author of The Riddle Of Mark Twain’s Passion For Joan Of Arc references another academic who points to Twain\'s correspondence with young girls, which apparently embarrassed Twain\'s daughter at some point -- yet even that source admits Twain of no improprieties.
  9. citation to do >> p. 369 of 1901 edition (not in Harpers)
  10. Scan of English version (abbreviated from the original French publication) available here: Joan of Arc : Boutet de Monvel, Louis Maurice, 1850-1913 (Archive.org) Here for page images of the original: Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel
  11. His ability to avoid unnecessary details and focus on content is considered the core of his skill as illustrator. The works, themselves, are a tremendous artistic accomplishment. See Biography: Maurice Boutet de Monvel

