
From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith
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per fr. Barnes

  • First Class
    • part of the Saint's body
    • there is nothing of the Lord
      • but things w/ his blood stains
      • might be called "relics of the passion"
  • Second Class
    • associated with the life of a Saint, or
  • Third Class
  • 4-5 pieces of bone here at STM

physical reminders of holiness > touching the cloak of Jesus healed people Acts: being in the shadow of Peter healed somebody

serve as memories, like a family heirloom

largest collections of relics are in Jerusalem and Rome,

Scourging of the Lord

Pillar of scourging

per Jn: was in the praetorium

the pillar was kept, now in Rome

  • 2-1/2-3 ft tall (65 cm)
  • marble
    • possibly from Egypt, which would have symbolism
    • not certain but if true, slavery to sin
  • the pillar was to keep prisoners upright, tied to the top
    • to inflict maximum punishment
  • possible that Caiphus scourged him a second time
    • ambiguous, "beaten"
    • but there was another pillar thought to exist from Caiaphus
    • at Church of Holy Spec... ?

Shroud of Turin

  • the cloth
  • shows wounds inflicted by two soldiers


  • Pilate knew he was not a criminal, that he was innocent
  • but wanted to appease the crowd, so ordered the scourging
    • so was a political act
    • wanted to maintain his authority
    • so split the difference
    • but it only increased the crowd's bloodlust
  • the beating itself was cruel
    • could kill people
  • evidence shows his flesh was torn head to toe
    • the rods were covered with ___ to would catch his skin and flesh
  • this is the most gruesome and disfiguring part of the Passion
    • loss of blood greatest at scourging
    • crucifixion was designed to kill people slowly
    • death was by ultimate asphyxiation not blood loss
  • Pope Benedict
    • the point of the scourging was to make the flesh hang down
  • Stations of the Cross
    • his weakened state, unable to carry the cross
  • the Lord did not resist any of these punishments
    • Isa 52 ... "so marred was his look beyond human semblance"
    • by those stripes we were healed
    • lamb led to the slaughter
    • he was silent << didn't resist
    • << the prophesy came true
  • violence against the innocent not uncommon
  • JPII said "Oh my jesus, how cruelly bound you were to the pillar..
    • penalty for our sins