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Catholic Mass: Difference between revisions

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*after the homily, the priest will sit for a moment in silence to lead the people in reflection
*after the homily, the priest will sit for a moment in silence to lead the people in reflection
*then all will stand to recite the '''Nicene Creed''' or the '''Apostles' Creed'''
*then all will stand to recite the '''Nicene Creed''' or the '''Apostles' Creed'''
*the Nicene Creed is derived from language adopted by the Councils of Nicea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381)  
*the Nicene Creed is derived from language adopted by the Councils of Nicaea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381)  
**the Councils were instrumental is affirming the Christian faith, especially against the heresies that distorted or denied the nature of God and Jesus, including:  
**the Councils were instrumental is affirming the Christian faith, especially against the heresies that distorted or denied the nature of God and Jesus, including:  
***the Father is "maker of heaven and earth, all things visible and invisible"  
***the Father is "maker of heaven and earth, all things visible and invisible"  
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***that the Lord Jesus Christ is "born of the Father before all ages... begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father... and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary"
***that the Lord Jesus Christ is "born of the Father before all ages... begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father... and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary"
****heretics claimed that Jesus the man was not divine, or that he was not actually human, and that he was not born of the Virgin Mary
****heretics claimed that Jesus the man was not divine, or that he was not actually human, and that he was not born of the Virgin Mary
****or, they claimed, as did Arius (of "Arianism" or the "Arian heresy"), that the Father pre-existed the Son, therefore the son did not always exist
****that Christ and the Holy Spirit are not of the "same substance" (from Council of Nicaea) as God the Father
****these heresies opened up possibility in belief in polytheism
*****or actually treated Christianity as polytheistic
***note that the "severe" monotheistic religions, such as Judaism and Islam do not believe in the Holy Trinity
* the Creeds represent the essence of the Catholic faith
* the Creeds represent the essence of the Catholic faith

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*[https://www.togetheratonealtar.catholic.edu.au/receive/liturgy-of-the-eucharist/ Liturgy of the Eucharist | Together At One Altar]
*[https://www.togetheratonealtar.catholic.edu.au/receive/liturgy-of-the-eucharist/ Liturgy of the Eucharist | Together At One Altar]

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