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Stories of the Saints and Holy men and women: Difference between revisions

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Having experienced ecstatic visions as a child, the experiences multiplied upon becoming a priest in 1625, to the point of levitating during Mass. His fellow brothers and superiors objected to the disruptions, and at one point, at least, tied him down so that he would not fly.
Having experienced ecstatic visions as a child, the experiences multiplied upon becoming a priest in 1625, to the point of levitating during Mass. His fellow brothers and superiors objected to the disruptions, and at one point, at least, tied him down so that he would not fly.

Among patronages, St. Joseph of Cupertino is the Patron Saint of aviation.
Of course, St. Joseph of Cupertino is the Patron Saint of pilots, but he is also Patron Saint of patron test-takers, as when he took his test to become a priest, he was prepared only to discuss one passage, Luke 11:27, “Blessed is the womb that bore you.” -- and that was, by chance, or providence, the very passage he was asked about and thus passed his test.
