Page history
27 November 2024
Michael Bromley
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Michael Bromley
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Michael Bromley
→Articles and non-count & abstract nouns and generalizations
Michael Bromley
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26 November 2024
Michael Bromley
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Michael Bromley
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Michael Bromley
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Michael Bromley
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Michael Bromley
→Indefinite article, a/ an
Michael Bromley
→Indefinite article, a/ an
Michael Bromley
→Articles and non-count & abstract nouns and generalizations
Michael Bromley
→Articles and non-count & abstract nouns and generalizations
Michael Bromley
→Articles and non-count and abstract nouns
Michael Bromley
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Michael Bromley
Created page with "'''Articles''' * ''a, an, the'' * articles indicate if something is general or "indefinite" (a/an) or specific or "definite" (the) == indefinite article == = '''''a, an''''' indicates something in general, a category, or makes a non-specific reference to something * i.e. "a tree" indicates that the "tree" is one of any trees, or refers to a tree in general ** similar to "any tree" or "some tree" '''''a''''' versus '''''an''''' * '''''a''''' precedes a consonant or..."