Catholic Mass (overview)

From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith

This page is a summary and general overview of the Catholic Mass. For a more detailed discussion about the elements of the Catholic Mass and their purposes, go to Catholic Mass.


Parts of the Catholic Mass

Note that these numbered lists are not definitive but may be combined differently in other sources; This list is to designate the distinct parts of the Mass

Introductory Rites

  1. Procession
  2. Entrance Chant or Antiphon
  3. Greeting
  4. Penitential Act
  5. Glory to God
  6. Collect (opening prayer)

Liturgy of the Word

  1. First Reading: Old Testament (usually)
  2. Responsorial Psalm
  3. Alleluia or a chant such as "Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ"
  4. Second Reading: New Testament epistles
  5. Gospel Reading: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  6. Homily
  7. Profession of Faith (Creed)
  8. "Universal Prayer" or "intercessions" or "Prayer of the Faithful"

Liturgy of the Eucharist

  1. Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts
    1. including the offertory
  2. Eucharistic Prayer<
    1. Preface (Thanksgiving)
    2. The Sanctus
    3. Epiclesis
    4. Institution Narrative
    5. Consecration
    6. The Mystery of Faith
    7. Anamnesis and Oblation (Memorial)
    8. Intercessions
    9. Concluding Doxology
    10. Great Amen
  3. Communion Rite
    1. Our Father (Lord's Prayer)
    2. Sign of Peace
    3. Fraction Rite
    4. Lamb of God
    5. Reception of Communion

Concluding Rite

  1. Final blessing *
  2. Sending forth

(*Church or community announcements may be made before the Final Blessing)