Existence of God

From Rejoice in the Catholic Faith
Revision as of 12:22, 31 January 2024 by Michael Bromley (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Article will review theories for and against the existence of God, as well as possible characteristics of a God or gods, if he or they exist. == Arguments against the existence of God == == Arguments for the existence of God == == Justness of an existent God == * if a just God does not punish, then how can there be justice in the world? * ex. ** if God does not punish sins against oneself or another ** then that God could not provide for the needs or desires of other...")
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Article will review theories for and against the existence of God, as well as possible characteristics of a God or gods, if he or they exist.

Arguments against the existence of God

Arguments for the existence of God

Justness of an existent God

  • if a just God does not punish, then how can there be justice in the world?
  • ex.
    • if God does not punish sins against oneself or another
    • then that God could not provide for the needs or desires of other people, including
      • a person treated unjustly by the unpunished sinner
      • a person who loves the unpunished sinner and who wants the best for that sinner
    • i.e., a just God cannot treat all people arbitrarily
    • therefore, a just God holds all people to a common law or standard