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→‎Notes and the "Seven Petitions": fixing indents and bullets from Word import
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(→‎Notes and the "Seven Petitions": fixing indents and bullets from Word import)
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|'''''Our  Father,'''''
|'''''Our  Father,'''''
|·        Isa  63 the “our father” of the Old Testament
|* Isa  63 the “our father” of the Old Testament

·        Jeramiah  3:16-19, 31-79
* Jeramiah  3:16-19, 31-79

·        Tobit  13:1-6
* Tobit  13:1-6
|•        we  dare to call God “our Father”
|* we  dare to call God “our Father”

•        as  Jesus called the Father, “Abba”
* as  Jesus called the Father, “Abba”

•        we  are also invoking the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and communion with the  Holy Trinity
* we  are also invoking the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and communion with the  Holy Trinity
|'''''who  art in Heaven,'''''
|'''''who  art in Heaven,'''''
|•        Heaven  = above all creation
|* Heaven  = above all creation
|'''''hallowed  be Thy name.'''''
|'''''hallowed  be Thy name.'''''
|Petition no. 1
|Petition no. 1
|·        occurs  only once in OT, Eze 36 22-38:  the new  Exodus shall “Hallow your name”
|* occurs  only once in OT, Eze 36 22-38:  the new  Exodus shall “Hallow your name”
* acknowledgement of God’s all-encompassing holiness
* acknowledgement of God’s all-encompassing holiness
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|'''''Thy  kingdom come,'''''  
|'''''Thy  kingdom come,'''''  
|Petition no. 2
|Petition no. 2
|·        occurs  only once in OT, Micah 4:1-8
|* occurs  only once in OT, Micah 4:1-8
|•        “kingdom  come” = ages before, now and to come
|* “kingdom  come” = ages before, now and to come

•        recognizes  God’s reign over all things and time
* recognizes  God’s reign over all things and time

•        prayer  that we carry out the Father’s will
* prayer  that we carry out the Father’s will

•        and  to focus on the Father and not ourselves
* and  to focus on the Father and not ourselves
|'''''Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'''''
|'''''Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'''''
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|'''''Give  us this day, our daily bread,'''''  
|'''''Give  us this day, our daily bread,'''''  
|Petition no. 4
|Petition no. 4
|·        Exodus
|* Exodus

·        Feeding  the 4 or 5,000
* Feeding  the 4 or 5,000
|•        the  Greek word used for “bread” implies “super” or “above,” thus “supernatural”  bread, as in Manna
|* the  Greek word used for “bread” implies “super” or “above,” thus “supernatural”  bread, as in Manna

•        the  Manna had to be collected each morning, so it was daily
* the  Manna had to be collected each morning, so it was daily

•        note:  the prayer is spoke just before the consecration of the Eucharist, the Body  of Christ
* note:  the prayer is spoke just before the consecration of the Eucharist, the Body  of Christ
|'''''and  forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,'''''
|'''''and  forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us,'''''
|Petition no. 5
|Petition no. 5
|·        refers  to the Jubilee, which forgave debts, esp. seized land
|* refers  to the Jubilee, which forgave debts, esp. seized land

·        Mt  5:5 (“blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land”) = relates to  having land returned from forgiveness of debts
* Mt  5:5 (“blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land”) = relates to  having land returned from forgiveness of debts
|•        Recognizes  our sins
|* Recognizes  our sins

•        “I  give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you  also should love one another.” (Jn 13:34)
* “I  give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you  also should love one another.” (Jn 13:34)

•        “Blessed  are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Mt. 5:7)
* “Blessed  are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy” (Mt. 5:7)

•        “Be  merciful, just as [also] your Father is merciful. (Lk 6:36)
* “Be  merciful, just as [also] your Father is merciful. (Lk 6:36)
|'''''and  lead us not into temptation,'''''
|'''''and  lead us not into temptation,'''''
|Petition no. 6
|Petition no. 6
|•        recognizes  our sinful nature (concupiscence)
|* recognizes  our sinful nature (concupiscence)

•        prayer  to avoid the “occasion of sin”
* prayer  to avoid the “occasion of sin”
|'''''but  deliver us from evil'''''
|'''''but  deliver us from evil'''''
|Petition no. 7
|Petition no. 7
|•        protect  us from Satan, the “Evil one”
|* protect  us from Satan, the “Evil one”