HS OCIA Class 2024-2025/Lesson Plans
Conf3 Fall 2024 and HS OCIA 2024-25 lesson plans
Curriculum consists of 7 weeks final preparation for Confirmation on Nov. 4 for Conf3 students. Then continues for OCIA students through May 2024 in preparation for their Confirmation in May 2025.
- Conf3 = "Conference 3" for third year grouping of Religious Education / Confirmation classes
- OCIA = Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
- formerly called RCIA for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
- an "order" is a group of people with similar pursuits or occupations, or otherwise similarly organized
- a "rite" is a ceremonial practice
- "order" is more appropriate for a group of people (an order) in preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation (a rite)
- formerly called RCIA for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
OCIA Lesson plans[edit | edit source]
Lesson 1:[edit | edit source]
Conf3 Sept 18-Oct 3 (7 lessons)[edit | edit source]
Consists of seven lessons for students completing their final year of Confirmation classes
Lesson 1: Sept 18[edit | edit source]
Lesson-plan 01: Prior Knowledge, World v Scripture, Thoughtful Worship
- the World versus Scripture (is it "science"?)
- extending the Word of God: thoughtful worship
Lesson 2: Sept 25[edit | edit source]
- Creation
- What is sin?
- Adam & Eve and the Fall
- Why does God punish sin?
- or does our sin punish us?
- extend the sin to the consequence
- If sin is separation God, then how do we get back w God?
- The Cross
- Lesson Plan 2: Lesson plan 2: Creation, Free Will, Sin (pdf)
- Handout: Jesus on Avoiding Sin (pdf)
HW due: n/a (hand in Vocab Prior Knowledge worksheet)
Lesson 3: Oct 2[edit | edit source]
- Scattering v. gathering
- God's "Plan of Salvation"
- Why did Christ have to die?
- The logic of Salvation
- The "God-man": the hypostatic union
- Notebook w/ all handouts distributed
- Lesson plan 3: Lesson plan 3: Sin, the Cross & the God-man (pdf)
HW: n/a
- Logic of Salvation slideshow
Lesson 4: Nicene Creed[edit | edit source]
- Nicene Creed
- Our Father prayer
- Lesson plan (pdf)
HW: Bishop's Confirmation quiz
- asdf