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Salvation, then, is the return to childhood of the Father. God doesn't owe us our abandoned inheritance, but he wants us to ask for it back. As our Deacon taught the other day, St. Thomas called it "congruent merit" that we are due<ref>For "merit," see [ CCC 2006-2011]</ref> but do not deserve salvation, for which we become worthy only through and by Christ. In Matthew 11, Jesus isn't telling us to be simpletons, he's telling us, rather plainly, now that I can see it -- like scales falling from the eyes -- that we must accept and act like we have a -- the Father.
Salvation, then, is the return to childhood of the Father. God doesn't owe us our abandoned inheritance, but he wants us to ask for it back. As our Deacon taught the other day, St. Thomas called it "congruent merit" that we are due<ref>For "merit," see [ CCC 2006-2011]</ref> but do not deserve salvation, for which we become worthy only through and by Christ. In Matthew 11, Jesus isn't telling us to be simpletons, he's telling us, rather plainly, now that I can see it -- like scales falling from the eyes -- that we must accept and act like we have a -- the Father.
Jesus thus refers to children repeatedly, such as from [ Mk 10:15]:<blockquote>"Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it."</blockquote>and, similarly, from [ Mt 18:3]:<blockquote>"Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven."</blockquote>That last from Matthew, however, he clarifies in the next two verses:<blockquote>Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me."</blockquote>Yes, indeed, or "verily," as Jesus would say: humility is the key to "childlike" -- but humble in front of what, or whom?
To Heaven, and to God -- humble like children before their father whom they adore, trust, and fear.

== Flying on both wings ==
== Flying on both wings ==